Athora Netherlands is active in the Dutch insurance market through its well-known insurance brands, Zwitserleven and Reaal.
Athora Netherlands joined the Group in April 2020 and has operations in the cities of Alkmaar and Amsterdam with c.850 employees and c.2million customers.
Athora Netherlands has a distinguished 130 year history and holds strong positions in the Dutch life insurance and pension markets through its two brands - Zwitserleven and Reaal.
Athora Netherlands is regulated by the Dutch Central Bank and the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets, and is subject to the Dutch large company regime.
Athora Netherlands distinguishes itself from competitors by focusing very strongly on what they are very good at: building wealth for future income. At 31 December 2023, assets under management and administration totalled €51.6 billion.
Athora Netherlands is subject to regulatory supervision by the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).

Athora Netherlands consists of the insurance brands Zwitserleven and Reaal. Each brand focuses on different customer groups with its own products and services to optimally meet their needs. Our brands share the same guiding principle of providing our customers with support in the form of fair, transparent, sustainable products and services in every phase of their life.
Zwitserleven was established in 1901 and has become one of the leading pension insurers in the Netherlands. Zwitserleven offers products for wealth creation ‘for later’. Zwitserleven has repeatedly been awarded for the most sustainable investment policy in the Netherlands.
Reaal offers life insurance and mortgages and aims to improve the financial resilience of customers by helping them make informed choices about their financial situation.