Athora publishes 2023 Sustainability Report

Pembroke, Bermuda, July 24, 2024 – Athora Holding Ltd. (Athora or the Group), a leading European savings and retirement services group, today published its 2023 Sustainability Report.

Now in its third edition, the Report shows how the Group has implemented its Sustainability Strategy over the last year, highlighting several new initiatives that will enhance working practices and support compliance with incoming regulatory and reporting requirements.

Athora’s approach to sustainability focuses on the Group’s four interrelated roles: as an insurer, employer, corporate citizen and investor. In 2023, key developments included:

  • Launch of a Group-wide Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions data platform.
  • Established a Sustainable Investment Working Group to incorporate sustainability into investment processes, decision-marking and asset allocations. 
  •  Athora Netherlands was again awarded first place in the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development’s (VBDO)

Sustainability Ranking. The benchmark compares the sustainable investment policies of insurers in the Netherlands over four areas: governance, policy, implementation and transparency. 

  • Introduction of key performance indicators to steer workplace Inclusion, Diversity and Equality (IDE) efforts.
  • €350,000 directed towards good causes via corporate and employee donations.

Mike Wells, Group Chief Executive Officer at Athora said:
In the last year, we have progressed our work to embed and implement our Sustainability Strategy across the Group. 

On the commercial front, we have worked to improve the Sustainability characteristics of the investments that support our products and Athora Netherlands was again ranked first in the VBDO Sustainability benchmark. 

As an employer, we also recognise the importance of Inclusion Diversity and Equality (IDE) in the workplace. In 2023, the Athora Group Board approved our IDE Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which are now being used to track progress. We were pleased to see that the proportion of females in senior leadership positions increased by 3% during the year.

Finally, as part of our efforts to better monitor, report and improve Sustainability progress, we launched a Group-wide GHG emission data platform during the year. This will be critical for meaningful target setting and identifying improvement areas relating to carbon emissions.
By continuing to deliver on the ambitions of our Sustainability Strategy, we will ensure that our contribution to the future is a positive one.”

Athora is committed to long-term value generation for all stakeholders by operating in a way that is socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable. The Group serves approximately 2.8 million customers, providing competitive products that meet their insurance and savings needs.

The 2023 Sustainability Report, Sustainability Strategy and Sustainable Investment Policy can be found at: